So I was wrong. There's a first time for everything. I was sure I was having a girl, I even bought pink stuff (most of which I showed Jesse, the rest of which I hid and promptly gave away). So imagine my surprise as I take my little girl up from the water and grab her under her little bum and...her girl bits are boy bits! Lucy is a Jones! It was a happy surprise and our little man was patient as we took a few days to figure out his full name.
Jones Caddis Switzer. While his name fits him perfectly, he answers to nothing.
P.S. That's an arm, not a boob...just in case you were wondering...cause I was....but it's an arm. PG blog.
Jonesy, Ja-Bones, J-bones, Jonesy Bonsey...I'm not sure where the "bones" came from, my pudgy little man looks as though he may be purely fat cells and cartilage. But it's stuck.
I say he has my ears. Jess lays a similar claim. We're both right (but if you had to say who was more right that would, of course, be me). He has Jesse's, shall we say, generous ears. And they have little peaks at the top with a bit of peach fuzz, explaining why we called him our little Linx. I'll let the Switzers have that one. But they tip out at the top like mine do. Finally, a kid that looks like me.
Sometime I call him Mr.Serious, because when he furrows that brow he is not to be taken lightly. C'mon Jonesy...just one smile for the camera?
Still frowning....
A seriously concerned little Mr.Serious. He looks as though he's about to cry, but nope, just a very serious model.
He's even takes burping seriously.
But he's not always so serious, shortly after this picture was taken Cohen pulled Jones off our couch. Maybe it was the thrill of the ride, or maybe he took pleasure in seeing his big brother almost get hung by his toes by his traumatized mother, or maybe he just liked all the attention...but our Mr.Serious just took it all in stride. Perhaps serious and serene walk hand in hand.
For the most part Jones is calm and content. Loves to visit and busts out a monster smile when he knows you're looking. These are the times when you'll hear him called the typical mooshy baby names...muffin, punkin, honey, etc. Hmmm, all food related...
He still has a brow to be reckoned with but he wears it peacefully.
When he catches your eye he flashes a smile that takes up his whole face. You can tell he's smiling even when you stand behind him...he smiles from his toes. We don't have any nicknames for this aspect of our Jonsey, cause all you can do is smile back.
FYI. He does not smile when he gets dressed in an elephant costume with pink ears. No sir, he does not.
And how could you talk nicknames without mentioning the obvious? Copper-top and Pumpkin-head being the most prevalent, but all carrot and ginger related names have been applied.
Big li'l brother, baby monster, Mr.Chubbs, Cheeks...references to size are also common. He's a year and a half younger than his brother but it is not unheard of to try to put the wrong jammies on one or the other of the boys. Jones is catching up quick and Cohen had better enjoy his bullying now because his physical supremacy is sure to be short lived.
We call him Jones. We call us blessed.