Saturday, May 1, 2010

My New Life

And so the blogging begins.

I've been a mommy for over three months now and I am completely consumed and totally in love with my new life. I am slightly more disheveled and often smell of sour milk but I wouldn't change a thing.

This is the first day we brought Cohen home...just a few hours after he was born. Now that's a proud Grandpa. Cohen was pretty chilled out during his first hours in the world. He came to us through the water and only cried enough to let us know he was okay. Perhaps I'll blog my birth story one of these was incredible.
Mallory was expecting a little sister so Cohen was a big surprise. She was a bit skeptical at first but it only took a few shared smiles before they fell in love. Mal and Cohen often hang out and play or watch Saturday morning cartoons. Cohen thinks Mallory is hilarious.

Seriously...look at that face. What a handsome little beast.
He's done a lot of growing in the last three months and gets cuter by the day. He loves to visit with us and is full of smiles. He's affectionate like his daddy and loves to be held and talked to.
Mom life is pretty good. We try to get out for a walk as often as the weather allows us. Cohen is helpless against the baby carriers...he tries to stay awake to look out at the world but rarely lasts more that a few minutes.

Very into his new book...
Also very into anything he can get near his mouth. He cries when he drops things or can't devour them sufficiently...

And is filled with joy when he gets a good chew on....
Thus concludes my first blog...that was fun...I think I could get into this.


  1. Great to hear your family story and see that great smile. You sound content and proud - weird combination for a yogi but it seems to fit you well.

  2. love it. sorry we missed you this weekend!

  3. So cute! I was re-reading your blog and I noticed that the picture you posted of your Dad holding Cohen is almost the exact same picture that we have of your Dad holding Leah right after she was born. We really need to put them side by side, you would get quite the chuckle!
    Loved the posts...keep 'em coming.

  4. I seriously like your happy baby.
